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  第一章 总 则
  第一条 为了贯彻落实《自治区人民政府办公厅转发国务院办公厅关于进一步推进墙体材料革新和推广节能建筑的通知》(内政办发〔2005〕17号)、《粉煤灰综合利用管理办法》(国经贸节〔1994〕14号)、《煤矸石综合利用管理办法》(国经贸资〔1998〕80号)及国家有关法律、法规和政策,进一步加快我市循环经济发展,促进粉煤灰、煤矸石综合利用,节约能源,保护环境和土地资源,结合我市实际,特制定本办法。
  第二条 在本市行政区域内排放、贮存、运输、综合利用粉煤灰、煤矸石,均应遵守本办法。
  第三条 本办法所称粉煤灰是指从燃煤锅炉烟气中收集的粉尘以及各种燃煤锅炉、煤气发生炉、蒸气机、矸石山自燃后等产生的灰渣。
  第四条 粉煤灰、煤矸石综合利用应当坚持“谁排放、谁治理、谁利用、谁受益”的原则,鼓励法人和自然人利用粉煤灰、煤矸石,并提高利用率。
  第二章 综合利用与管理
  第五条 市、区人民政府和经济开发区管委会应加大招商引资力度,鼓励粉煤灰、煤矸石项目的建设;鼓励综合利用粉煤灰、煤矸石的科学研究和技术开发,科技部门要积极推广粉煤灰、煤矸石综合利用技术。
  第六条 粉煤灰、煤矸石综合利用牵头部门为市经委,负责组织实施粉煤灰、煤矸石综合利用规划,并做好粉煤灰、煤矸石综合利用的组织协调工作。
  第七条 2007年6月底,新开工项目全面禁止使用实心粘土砖(包括瓦,下同)。生产企业不得生产实心粘土砖,设计部门不再设计使用实心粘土砖的建筑,建筑单位不得使用实心粘土砖,验收部门对使用实心粘土砖的建筑不得验收。2008年6月底我市境内全面禁止使用实心粘土砖。禁止使用实心粘土砖后,鼓励使用新型墙体材料。主要包括:各种轻质板材、加气混凝土、空心砌块,各类非粘土砖、空心砖、复合墙板,粉煤灰烧结砖、蒸压砖,煤矸石烧结砖,灰砂砖,各种轻集料混凝土制品,以及粉煤灰粘土空心砖和页岩砖等。
  第八条 自本办法实施之日起,在我市行政区域内不得新建、扩建生产实心粘土砖瓦厂(窑)。现有的粘土砖瓦厂(窑)以及筑路、筑坝、回填等工程,原料中必须掺有不少于30%的煤矸石、炉渣、粉煤灰或其它废渣。未经市经委审核的砖瓦厂(窑)不得组织生产。筑路、筑坝、回填等工程验收须有市经委的技术人员参加,审核使用废料的比例。
  第九条 凡新建、扩建或改建的发电厂、煤矿、洗煤厂、焦厂都必须做到粉煤灰、煤矸石综合利用工程与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产,其投资纳入工程总概算。凡不执行同时施工规定的,有关部门不得批准开工;凡不与主体工程同时建成交付使用的,有关部门不得对主体工程组织验收。
  第十条 国土资源和规划管理部门对已投入运行的电厂、煤矿、洗煤厂、焦厂要限制其贮灰场、矸石场规模,不再审批新的或扩大贮灰场、矸石场规模。
  第十一条 粉煤灰、煤矸石排放、利用单位必须按照《一般工业固体废物贮存处置场污染控制标准》(GB8599-2001)建设符合国家环境保护标准的贮存设施、场所,或者采取无害化处置措施,防止在运输、贮存、利用过程中造成工业固体废物扬散、流失、渗漏或者其他环境污染。
  第十二条 建材生产单位和建筑施工单位利用粉煤灰、煤矸石及其建材产品,必须严格按照有关规定进行生产、施工,保证产品质量和工程质量。各级设计部门要在保证工程或产品质量前提下,优先利用粉煤灰、煤矸石生产的产品。
  第十三条 粉煤灰和煤矸石的排放单位,每排放一吨交纳0.5元废物处理费,由市工业生产服务中心负责收缴,上交财政;利用单位每使用一吨给予0.5元补助,由工业生产服务中心负责审核、财政拨付。
  第十四条 粉煤灰、煤矸石综合利用项目的生产规模和生产工艺严格按照国家、自治区相关产业政策执行。
  第十五条 2007年6月底后,凡新建、扩建、改建建筑工程未使用新型墙体材料的建设单位,从2007年7月1日起征收新型墙体材料专项基金,标准为每平方米8元,由工业生产服务中心负责收缴,全部上缴财政,用于鼓励和发展新型墙体材料。凡利用粉煤灰、煤矸石等废渣生产新型墙体材料或其它产品的项目,由建设单位申请经市经委初审、新型墙体材料改革领导小组批准后,可给予专项补贴。
  第三章 优惠政策
  第十六条 对粉煤灰、煤矸石利用单位从指定地点自行装运粉煤灰、煤矸石,排放单位不得收费或变相收费,并提供方便。排灰单位经过加工并符合国家或行业标准的成品粉煤灰、炉底渣,排矸单位经过加工达到一定质量指标可以适当收取费用。其收费标准根据加工成本和质量,以及利用者利益大于供应者利益的原则,由供用双方商定。
  第十七条 对利用粉煤灰、煤矸石发展新型墙体材料的项目,可列入国家开发银行的基本建设政策性投资项目,享受政策性贷款。
  第十八条 鼓励生产、使用新型墙体材料,进一步落实国家税收优惠政策,提高企业生产和使用新型墙体材料的积极性。享受税收优惠政策的新型墙体材料生产、使用企业,须由企业提出申请,由市经委及税务部门初审,分别报自治区相应部门审定批准。
  第十九条 运输粉煤灰、煤矸石的专用车辆,经市交通部门批准后,可免缴市内过路、过桥通行费。
  第二十条 国土资源部门对使用粉煤灰、煤矸石的企业,可按使用比例减收国土资源补偿费。
  第四章 附 则
  第二十一条 本办法由市经济委员会负责解释。
  第二十二条 本办法自2007年7月1日执行,过去出台的相关规范性文件与本办法有抵触的,以本办法为准。

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     省长 黄智权
  第一条 为规范企业投资项目的备案管理,落实企业投资决策自主权,根据《国务院关于投资体制改革的决定》和《国家发展改革委关于实行企业投资项目备案制指导意见的通知》,结合本省实际,制定本办法。
  第二条 本省行政区域内企业投资项目的备案,适用本办法。
  第三条 县级以上人民政府发展改革(计划)行政主管部门和经济贸易行政主管部门为企业投资项目备案机关。企业基本建设类投资项目由发展改革(计划)行政主管部门备案;企业技术改造类投资项目由经济贸易行政主管部门备案。
  第四条 企业投资建设实行备案制的项目,应当根据项目类别和规定的备案权限,向相应的项目备案机关申请备案。
  第五条 中央驻赣企业、省管企业投资项目由省人民政府项目备案机关备案。其他企业投资项目,按照属地原则,由项目所在地市、县(区)人民政府项目备案机关备案。法律、法规或者规章另有规定的,从其规定。
  第六条 项目申报单位申请备案,应当向项目备案机关提交企业投资项目备案申请表。
  第七条 项目备案机关应当将企业投资项目备案所涉及的法律、法规、规章和政策,以及企业投资项目备案申请表格式文本予以公布,方便企业查询、索取。
  第八条 项目备案机关对企业投资项目的下列内容进行审查:
  第九条 企业投资项目备案申请表不符合要求的,项目备案机关应当当场或者在3个工作日内一次告知项目申报单位补正。
  第十条 项目备案机关应当自受理企业投资项目备案申请之日起5个工作日内,作出是否备案的决定,并向社会公布。符合备案规定的,予以备案,发给企业投资项目备案通知书;不符合备案规定的,不予备案,发给不予备案通知书,并说明理由。
  第十一条 环境保护、国土资源、建设、城市规划、安全生产监督管理、质量监督等部门,应当按照职能分工,对项目备案机关予以备案的项目依法审查和办理相关手续;对应当备案而未备案以及项目备案机关不予备案的项目,不予办理相关手续。
  第十二条 各级项目备案机关应当对企业投资项目的备案材料进行整理、归纳、分析,做好社会投资的监测工作,并及时向上级项目备案机关报送相关材料。
  第十三条 已备案项目有下列情形之一的,应当重新办理备案手续:
  第十四条 企业投资项目备案通知书的有效期为2年,自送达之日起计算。
  第十五条 项目备案机关应当加强备案项目的监管,对项目申报单位以拆分项目、提供虚假材料等不正当手段取得企业投资项目备案文件的,应当撤销该项目的备案;对未予备案擅自开工建设以及不按备案内容进行建设的项目,应当责令其停止建设,并依法追究有关单位和责任人的责任。
  第十六条 项目备案机关工作人员在备案过程中玩忽职守、滥用职权或者徇私舞弊的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第十七条 事业单位、社会团体等非企业单位投资建设备案范围内的项目,按照本办法进行备案。
  第十八条 本办法自公布之日起施行。

Decree of the People’s
Government of Jiangxi Province
Measures of Jiangxi Province for
Record-keeping of Enterprise Investment Projects examined and approved at the
43rd Executive Meeting of the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province on April
12, 2006 are hereby promulgated and shall be effective as of the date of

Governor: Huang
April 14,
Measures of Jiangxi
Province for Record-keeping of Enterprise Investment
Article 1These Measures are formulated in accordance with the
Decision of the State Council on the Reform of the Investment System and the
Circular of the National Development and Reform Commission about the Guidelines
for Implementing the Record-keeping System of Enterprise Investment Projects
with actual situations of the province taken into account for the purpose of
standardizing the record management of the enterprise investment projects and
facilitating the exercise of
autonomous decision-making right of enterprises in
Article 2These Measures apply to reporting for the record of the
enterprise investment projects within the administrative areas of the
The term
“enterprise investment projects” in these Measures refers only to the projects
(which are free of government funds) listed in《Catalogue of
Investment Projects Approved by the Government》and《Catalogue of
Investment Projects Approved by the Government of Jiangxi
Province》;it also refers
to all other projects with the exception of those in violation of state laws and
regulations or prohibited by the State Council.
Article 3The administrative competent
departments of development and reform (planning) and the administrative
competent departments of economy and trade of the people’s governments at or
above the county level are the record-keeping organs for enterprise investment
projects. The competent departments of development and reform (planning) of the
people’s governments are responsible for the record-keeping of capital
construction of the enterprise investment projects; the competent departments of
economy and trade are responsible for the record-keeping of technical renovation
for the enterprise investment projects.
The departments
responsible for environmental protection, national land resource management,
urban planning, supervision and management of safe production shall assist with
the record-keeping of the enterprise investment projects within their respective
realms of functions and
record-keeping organs and the relevant departments shall establish an
information-sharing mechanism strengthening connection and communication between
them for the sake of facilitating the enterprise
Article 4The enterprise investment projects which need to report
for the record shall apply to the corresponding record-keeping organs for being
reported for the record according to the project category and prescribed extent
of power in record-keeping.
Article 5The investment projects of the Jiangxi-based state-run
enterprises and the provincial enterprises are reported for the record to the
record-keeping organ of the provincial people’s government. Other enterprise
investment projects are reported for the record to the record-keeping organs of
people’s governments of the prefecture, municipality or county (district) where
the projects exist according to the domicile principle. However, if otherwise
specifically provided by laws, regulations or rules, they shall
The division of
the power extent of the record-keeping organs of the municipality with
subordinate administrative areas and county (municipality, region) people’s
governments is defined by the people’s government of the municipality with
subordinate administrative areas.
Article 6Any project unit which reports for the record shall
submit an application form of enterprise investment project to the
record-keeping organ.
The application
form of enterprise investment project includes the following
(1) the basic
conditions of the project application unit;
(2) the name of the
(3) construction
(4) construction
(5) construction scale
and the main construction contents; and
(6) total investment
and its source.
The project
application unit shall be responsible for the genuineness of the contents in the
application form of enterprise investment project.
Article 7The record-keeping organs shall make public the laws,
regulations, rules and policies concerning the record-keeping of enterprise
investment projects and the application form format for the record-keeping of
enterprise investment projects to make them accessible to the enterprises on
Article 8The record-keeping organs shall examine the following
contents of the enterprise investment projects:
(1) whether the
projects are within the scope of the record;
(2) whether the
projects are within the scope of their
(3) whether the
projects conform to the national industry policy; and
(4) whether the
projects conform to the stipulations of laws, regulations and
Article 9Where the application form of the enterprise investment
project does not meet the requirements, the record-keeping organ shall ask the
project application unit to make corrections and amendments on the spot or once
and for all within three working days.
Where the
application form of the enterprise investment project meets the requirements,
the record-keeping organ shall accept the application on the
Article 10The record-keeping organ shall decide whether to accept
the record application or not within five days from the date of acceptance of
the application for reporting for the record of the enterprise investment
project and make it known to the society. If the application conforms to the
stipulations for record-keeping, the record-keeping organ shall accept the
application, notifying the applicant of its decision to put on record the enterprise investment project; if the
application does not conform to the stipulations for record-keeping, the
record-keeping organ shall not accept the application, notifying the applicant
of its decision to not accept to put on record the enterprise investment project
together with the reasons for it.
record-keeping organ shall send a copy of the notice of accepting or not
accepting the record application of the enterprise investment project to the
relevant administrative competent departments.
Article 11The departments responsible for environmental
protection, national land resource management, urban planning, supervision and
management of safe production shall examine projects filed on record by the
record-keeping organs and handle the relevant procedures according to laws and
their respective functions and duties. As for the projects which should have
been reported for the record but have not been done so or the projects whose
applications were not accepted by the record-keeping organs, those departments
shall not handle the relevant procedures.
Article 12The record-keeping organs at the different levels shall
sort out, classify and analyze the recorded materials of the enterprise
investment projects, keep a close watch on the social investment and submit the
relevant data to the higher record-keeping organs on time.
Article 13Where projects for the record have any one of the
following circumstances, the archival procedures shall be handled
(1) the change of the
legal person of the project;
(2) the change of the
construction site; and
(3) the change of the
construction scheme can produce great negative influence on the environment,
safe production, etc.
Article 14The notice of record-keeping of the enterprise
investment project is valid for two years, starting from the date of
Where the
construction of the enterprise investment project has not started and the
project application unit which needs to undertake the construction shall apply
to the original record-keeping organ for extension of construction within 30
days prior to the expiry of the validity period of the notice. The original
record-keeping organ shall make a decision whether or not to approve the
extension prior to the expiry of the notice .
Article 15The record-keeping organs shall strengthen the
supervision and management of the projects for the record. Where any project
application unit obtains the record-keeping document of the enterprise
investment project by inappropriate means such as dismembering the project,
providing the false materials, etc., the record-keeping organ shall dissolve the
record-keeping of the project. Where any project application unit starts
construction without authorization or constructs the project which is not in
accordance with the record-keeping contents, the record-keeping organ shall
order the unit to stop the construction and investigate the relevant unit and
its responsible person for their legal liability.
Article 16Where a staff member of any organ neglects his duties,
abuses his power or resorts to cheating for his self purposes, he shall be given
an administrative sanction; if a crime is committed, he shall be investigated
for criminal liability.
Article 17The record-keeping of the investment projects of the
non-enterprise units such as public institutions and social organizations, etc.
shall be handled in accordance with these measures.
Article 18Measures shall be effective as of the date of