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第一条 报验单位

第二条 报验范围

第三条 报验时必须提供的单证

凡必须向商检机构办理卫生注册及出口质量许可证的商品,必须交附商检机构签发的卫生注册证书、厂检合格单或出口质量许可证。 冷冻、水产、畜产品和罐头食品等须办理卫生证时,必须交附商检机构签发的卫生注册证书及厂检合格单。

第四条 报验时限和地点

第五条 报验要求


第六条 证单的更改

第七条 出运限期

第八条 本规定由国家商检局负责解释。

第九条 本规定自公布之日起实施。


(Promulgated by the State Administration of Import and Export Com-modity Inspection on August 21, 1989)

Whole Doc.
With a view to strengthening the administrative work of application
for inspection of import and export commodities, these provisions are
formulated in accordance with the relevant articles of the Law of the
People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection.

Article 1 Application Units
(1) Domestic enterprises authorized to engage in import and export
(2) Receivers (consignee) of import commodities or their agents;
(3) Manufacturers producing export commodities;
(4) Parties involved in foreign trade;
(5) Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign
contractual joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises;
(6) Representative offices of foreign enterprises and trade
corporations in China.

Article 2 Scope of Application for Inspection
(1) Import and export commodities included in the List of
(2) Sanitary inspection and quarantine of export food and quarantine
of export animal products;
(3) Performance testing and usage testing of packagings (pressure
vessels or containers) for dangerous export goods;
(4) Vessels and containers used for carrying export perishable food;
(5) Import and export commodities subject to inspection by the
commodity inspe ction authorities under other laws or administrative rules
and regulations;
(6) Commodities which can be permitted for import must be subject to
the certificates issued by the commodity inspection authorities in
accordance with the agreement between the competent departments of China
and those of the importing countries;
(7) Commodities subject to inspection and certification by the
commodity inspection authorities as specified in the foreign trade
contracts or letter of credits;
(8) Superintending and surveying services upon application by the
parties involved in foreign trade;
(9) Inspection services upon entrustment.
The commodity inspection authorities will not accept the application
for inspection, if there is any one of the following conditions:
(1) Export commodities subject to inspection have been shipped out
without inspection;
(2) Commodities do not belong to the scope of commodity inspection in
accordance with the division of work.

Article 3 Documents / Certificates Required for Application for Inspection
(1) The applicants when applying for inspection of import
commodities, shall submit the foreign trade contracts, foreign invoices,
bill of lading, packing list and the Notice for Arrival of Imported Goods;
Those applying for quality inspection of import commodities shall
submit the quality certificates of foreign countries, instruments of usage
relative standards and technical materials. If the contract is concluded
based on samples, the transaction samples must be attached accordingly;
Those who applying for survey on damage goods shall submit the
relative documents/certificates, such as tallying sheet of damage goods,
the railway commercial records, the air accident records or the marine
Those who applying for weight (quantity) survey shall submit the
description of weight and tallying sheet, etc.;
Import commodities subject to inspection and receipt by the receivers
and end-users, or subject to inspection by other units, are required to be
attached with the inspection and receipt records, weight description and
report of inspection findings.
(2) The applicants when applying for inspection of export commodities
shall submit foreign trade contracts, (confirmation letters), L/C and
relative documents/certificates and letters. If the contract is concluded
based on samples, the samples confirmed by two parties are required to be
attached. Those who apply for preliminary inspection of export commodities
shall submit the necessary inspection basis.
If the commodities subject to preliminary inspection are to be
exported against the inspection certificates issued by the local commodity
inspection authorities the preliminary inspection results shall be
Commodities subject to inspection by the other commodity inspection
authorities must be attached with the original copy of "List of Exchanging
Inspection Certificates of Export Commodities".
Any commodities which must make sanitary registration and export
quality license with the commodity inspection authorities shall be
attached with the sanitary registration certificates issued by the
commodity inspection authorities, the qualified inspection report issued
by the factory or the export quality license.
If frozen, aquatic, animal products and canned food are required to
go through formalities for sanitary registration certificates, the
sanitary registration certificates issued by the commodity inspection
authorities and the qualified inspection report issued by the factory must
be presented to the commodity inspection authorities.
(3) Application for inspection of superintending and surveying
services The pa rties involved in foreign trade when applying for
superintending and surveying services shall submit the relevant contracts,
foreign invoices, bill of lading (transport bill of lading), commercial
records, weight descriptions, cargo manifests, storage plan, letters by
shippers or writing instruments, marine reports or other relative
(4) Application for inspection of packaging inspection of dangerous
((1)) The applicants when applying for testing on performance of
packagings of dangerous goods must submit the relevant documents such as
standards for products and processing specifications, etc.;
((2)) The applicants when applying for testing on usage of packagings
of dangerous goods must submit the performance testing report and the
relative documents and certificates.
(5) Application for inspection of entrustment inspection
((1)) The applicants shall submit the samples for inspection and
state the inspection requirements, and if necessary shall submit the
relevant standard for inspection or inspection methods;
((2)) Foreign parties when applying for entrustment inspection and
surveying services shall submit the relevant letters and materials.

Article 4 Time-limit and Place of Application for Inspection
After arrival of the import commodities which are subject to
inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, the receivers or the
forwarding agents shall make registration for import commodities with the
commodity inspection authorities located at the arrival port or the
station of arrival against the "Notice of Arrival of Imported Goods" or
other relative documents/certificates;
For import commodities which are included in the List of Commodities
and for import commodities which are not included in the List of
Commodities, but subject to inspection certificates issued by the
commodity inspection authorities, against which claim may be claimed, the
receivers and end-users or their agents shall apply for inspection to the
commodity inspection authorities located at the destination of goods
within the time-limit at least before 1/3 valid period for claim. If the
valid period for claim is limited to accomplish the inspection procedures
for issuing certificates the applicants must make an application for
extension of the claim period with the foreign parties in advance;
Application for inspection of damage survey on damaged import
commodities are in general made at the arrival port;
Application for inspection of weight survey on large quantity of
import commodities in bulk are in general made at the arrival port;
For a batch of import commodities which will be distributed to
several places, the receivers or their agents shall apply to the commodity
inspection authorities located at the port for inspection and issuance of
certificates. Those which can not be inspected at the port by batches due
to some certain reasons shall apply for inspection at another place.
For export commodities, application for inspection shall be made at
least 10 days before declaration to the Customs or before shipment. For
some special export commodities which need longer time for inspection,
appropriate time shall be kept for sampling and inspection.

Article 5 Requirements of Application for Inspection
(1) The applicants must fill in the application in accordance with
the requirements. Being of clear writing, accurate, complete in filled
items, and identical Chinese and English version, and with stamps of the
application units, one copy of the application is only to refer to one
batch on commodities. No change or alternation of the contents of the
application can be made;
(2) If the applicants, have some special requirements about the
contents of the inspection certificate, they shall make a statement on the
application of inspection in advance;
(3) The applicants when applying for inspection shall pay the
inspection fee in accordance with the provisions;
(4) The applicants shall arrange the time for sampling inspection
procedures, and testing and provide the necessary working conditions for
sampling, inspection and testing.
(5) For export commodities which have completed the application
procedures for inspection, if the L/C is required to be revised by foreign
letters, which refers to some commodity inspection clauses, the applicants
must present the revised letter to the commodity inspection authorities
and go through the formalities for modifying the clauses related.
(6) The applicants when withdrawing the application for inspection
due to some special reasons, shall proceed with the cancellation of
application for inspection by making a written statement.
(7) The applicants, what taking the inspection certificates shall
sign their accurate names and time, and keep the certificate in a proper
way. The various kinds of certificates shall be used in accordance with
their special requirements and will not be mixed up for use.

Article 6 Modification of Certificates and Documents
(1) The applicants when deemed necessary, have reasonable reasons to
require t o modify or add/remit the contents of the various kinds
certificates and documents issued by the commodity inspection authorities,
they must make an application to the original commodity inspection
authority which issued the certificates and present all the certificates
and documents originally issued. Subject to examination and approval, the
relevant certificates documents may be modified or reissued by the
original commodity inspection authority.
(2) If the inspection certificates issued by the inland commodity
inspection authorities are found some problems which refer to the
modification and the contents of inspection items, the applicants shall
contact with the original commodity inspection authority which issued the
inspection certificate to deal with the relative matters.
(3) The applicants must strictly abide by the Law of the People's
Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection and the
relevant administrative laws, rules and regulations, no commodity
inspection certificates can be allowed purposely to be altered, falsified,
remade and illegally assigned.

Article 7 The Time-limit for Shipment
The export commodities subject to inspection by the commodity
inspection authorities which have been issued the inspection certificate
or releasing notices shall be in general shipped out within 2 months since
the date of issuing the certificates or documents, while the fresh and
live commodities shall be shipped out within two weeks. If the export
commodities are not shipped out within the above- mentioned time-limit,
the application for reinspection must be made with the commodity
inspection authorities, and all inspection certificates and releasing
notices issued originally must be returned respectively.

Article 8
The right of interpreting these Provisions resides in the State
Administration of Import and Export Commodity Inspection.

Article 9
These Provisions shall go into effect on the date of their

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 (甘政发[2002]87号 2002年10月8日)

第一章 总则

  第一条 为了规范村级财务管理行为,加强农村集体财务会计工作,维护集体和农民的利益,保障农村税费改革的顺利实施,根据财会法律法规和农村税费改革的有关政策规定,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法适用于全省所有独立核算的村级收支、结算、分配等集体财务活动。

  第三条 村民委员会是村级财务管理的主体,必须建立健全各项财务管理制度,规范财务会计工作,维护集体利益,保护集体资产的安全与完整。

  第四条 村民委员会负责人是村级财务行为的责任主体,对本村的财务工作和财务资料的合法性、真实性、完整性负责。

  第五条 各级农村合作经济经营管理部门是农村集体财务管理工作的业务主管部门,负责村级财务管理工作的指导、监督及业务培训。乡(镇)农村合作经济经营管理部门可接受村民委员会委托代为记账。

  第六条 村级财务管理要贯彻执行党和国家的方针政策及有关法律法规,坚持自力更生、勤俭办事的原则,实行财务公开、民主管理制度。

第二章 会计核算

  第七条 村民委员会必须按照《村合作经济组织会计制度》的规定,设置会计账簿,使用会计科目,编制会计报表。登记入账的各项收支必须要有真实完整的合法凭证。村集体财务收、付款凭据和会计账簿由省级业务主管部门统一设计监制。

  第八条 所有集体资金都必须纳入村级会计核算。集体资金包括:

  第九条 村集体资金的使用要严格按照规定的用途,专款专有用。

  第十条 所有集体资金的支出必须取得合法的原始凭证,由经办人签字或盖章,主管财务的领导审批,据以入账。

  第十一条 村民委员会必须建立健全财务开支审批制度,严格审批手续。要从实际出发,确定审批权限,报乡政府备案。

  第十二条 村级财务要严格按照账款分管的规定,由出纳员负责现金的收支保管。收取的现金,必须及时入库,不准坐支。

  第十三条 村民委员会对应收款项要及时催收。对确实无法收回的款项,经乡(镇)业务主管部门审查、村民会议或代表会议讨论后核销。对有关负责人造成的损失,应由其赔偿。任何人不得擅自决定应收款项的减免。

  第十四条 村民委员会要加强对固定资产、物资、有价证券的管理。建立固定资产台账和物资、有价证券登记簿,详细记载其名称、数量和金额。

  第十五条 村级财务收支计划,要与本村的经济发展水平、农村税费改革后村级收入状况和农民的实际承受能力相适应,坚持量力而行、量入为出的原则。财务收支计划必须经村民会议或村民代表会议讨论通过。

  第十六条 村民委员会要加强对财会档案的管理,建立专柜,妥善保管。

第三章 民主理财

  第十七条 村民委员会应建立民主理财小组。民主理财小组由5—7人组成,成员由村民会议或村民代表会议选举产生,其中村民代表必须占 2/3以上;组长由民主理财小组成员选举产生,村干部不得担任民主理财小组组长。

  第十八条 民主理财小组应及时听取和反映村民对财务管理工作的意见和建议,参与制订本村的财务收支计划和各项财务管理制度,审核、检查本村财务收支账目,监督本村财务计划和各项财务制度的执行。

  第十九条 村级收益分配方案,对外投资项目,大中型固定资产的购置、变卖和报废,计划外的财务开支项目和借(贷)款、主要生产项目的承包等事项,要报乡(镇)农村合作经济经营管理部门审查、经村民会议或村民代表会议讨论通过后执行。

  第二十条 村级财务计划、各项收支、财产物资、债权债务、收益分配、筹资筹劳以及代收代缴等项财务活动及其有关账目,定期向村民公布,接受群众监督。

  第二十一条 所有公开项目,在公开前要经民主理财小组核实。对有疑议的问题,要求村民委员会做出解释,解释不清的,报请乡(镇)农村合作经济经营管理部门进行审计,保证公开内容的真实可靠。

第四章 财务人员

  第二十二条 村民委员会应按照财会法规的规定,配备合格的会计员和出纳员。会计员和出纳员不得互相兼职。村干部的直系亲属不得任该村会计。

  第二十三条 村会计人员实行凭证上岗制度。从事会计工作的人员,必须取得会计资格证书。

  第二十四条 村级财务人员要保持相对稳定。会计的任免和调换,必须经村民会议或村民代表会议讨论通过,报乡(镇)业务主管部门备案。

  第二十五条 村财会人员调动或离职时,必须按规定办理交接手续,编制交接清单,由移交人、接交人、监交人签字盖章后存档。

第五章 附则

  第二十六条 对违反本办法规定的,依照《甘肃省农村集体资产管理条例》的有关规定处罚。

  第二十七条 组(社)的财务管理工作可参照本办法执行。

  第二十八条 本办法执行中的具体应用问题,由省农牧厅负责解释。

  第二十九条 本办法自印发之日起施行。









